C program to find out number of ones and number of zeroes from an integer number

Problem Description:

Suppose you have an integer number ‘N’ full of only one and zero. Your task is to find out total number of one and total number of zero separately.

Note: N is at most 30000.


declare three variable n, c0, c1.

n=given integer number

c0=number of zeroes

c1=number of ones

Now take an integer input n less than 30001.

Now scan number n digit by digit until it is converted into a single digit. Divide number n by 10 and take the remainder r. if r is equal to 0 then increase the counter of c0 by 1 and when the value of r is equal to 1, increase the counter of c1 by 1 at each iteration. Then update the value of n by dividing it by 10 and save it to the variable n.

When the value of n is converted into single digit just print the value of c0 and c1 representing number of zeroes and number ones respectively.

Source Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    int n, c0 = 0, c1 = 0;

    printf(“Enter an integer: “);

    scanf(“%d”, &n);

    while (n > 0) {

        int r = n % 10;

        if (r == 0) {


        } else if (r == 1) {



        n /= 10;


    printf(“Number of 0’s: %d\n”, c0);

    printf(“Number of 1’s: %d\n”, c1);

    return 0;



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